NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter 10 – Radio Show
Page No 73:
Question A.4:
Now it is your turn .Write and produce your own radio programme. You will need to select your own content . The following are some ideas. You are free, of course, to add your own ideas. Remember, the programme must be in English.
News stories: about people in your class, about school, about sports (school and local), about the local community

Comedy: jokes, short plays
Interviews: with teachers, with ex-students of your school, with a Class IX student who has recently done something very interesting
Games: general knowledge quiz, panel game, word game
Advertisements: for shops/ industries in the local community,things ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ by students
Local sites: monuments/sites of historical importance and of tourist interest
Special reports: e.g. safety at school, examination results, school uniform, school assemblies
Interesting people: role-play interviews with film stars, sports personalities, TV personalities, etc.
Entertainment reviews: music, films, videos, books, etc.
Songs with lyrics
Speeches on important personalities
Tele conference with students, teachers, experts.
A model answer has been provided for students’ reference.
It is strongly recommended that students prepare the answer on their own
News Stories: about people in your class, about school,about sports (school and local),about the local community.
This is Class IX radio giving you the news. I am Shakshi. It is 8.30 a.m. First the headlines:
The results of this year’s half-yearly examination are out.
Rupesh of Class IX Sec C to represent the school in the All India Inter school debate competition.
Dr.A.K.Singh will be the new Vice Principal of our School.
The organising committee for organising Social Week constituted.
Shreyashi of Class IX Sec A made it to the finals of Saregama.
Annual Sports Day to be held on 12th December .
Now the News In Detail:
The results of this years half yearly examination of Class IX have been declared. Priya Sharma is the topper. She scored 99% marks. Out of 200 students, 115 got A grade, 75 students got B grade and 10 students got C grade. Shyamal Bose got the highest marks in Mathematics scoring 100%.The principal and the class teacher of Class IX advised the students to work smarter for the Annual Examination.
Rupesh of Class IX Sec C has been selected to represent our school in the All India Inter School Debate competition to be held at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi on 14th October, 2011. The motion of the Debate is “ The draft Lok Pal Bill Should make the Prime minister accountable to the Lokpal.” Rupesh has decided to speak in favour of the motion.
Dr.A.K.Singh will be the new vice principal of our School. He will take the place of Dr Lalitha Chaturvedi who retires this month. Dr A. K Singh is a phd in English Literature from Cambridge and worked in St George School as the head of the Department of English. He will assume charges on 1st October.
A five member committee has been constituted for organising the Social week this year. The committee will be headed by the Head of the department of Sports Mr Randhir Singh.
An interesting news for the music lovers and fans of Sheyasi of Class IX sec A. She made it to the finals of Saregama, a popular singing competition event in the TV. Her fans in our school are praying for her success in the final.
Annual Sports Day will be held on 15th of December 2011.The School management has given the approval for organising the Annual Sports Day. Traditional games like Kabbadi and khokho will be given priority.
The students of class ix organised a clean Yamuna Campaign on 1st September. All the students under the guidance of Dr.Vikas went to the banks of the Yamuna and cleaned the garbage. The effort was highly appreciated by the government authorities.
That’s all for now. Thanks for listening. Good day.
Entertainment reviews: Music,films,videos,books,etc
Music Album:
‘Call of the blue mountains’ is a collection of soulful music played on the violin by a budding violinist shaksham of Class IX sec B. The album produced and released by ABC Music has ten numbers based on the theme of nature. The album shows exquisite fusion of traditional raga music with modern day music like soft rock. The strings of the violin seems to fully echo the serenity and calm of the blue mountains of the Himalayas .The budding violinist has demonstrated extraordinary skill in playing the tunes set to different rhythms like kaherba, Dadra, waltz etc. The prelude and the interludes in each of the tunes are appropriate and commendable. The use of various tempos is remarkable. The fusion of folk song tunes of the Himalayan region with modern tunes is quite impressive. The music album is available in the library of our school. Price is Rs.100.
Documentary film:
“E-learning: learning with fun” is a documentary film on e-learning scripted by Pryidarshini Mathur of Class XI Sec A. The ten minutes documentary film highlights the fun children experience in e- learning.
Priyadarshini Mathur shows how e-learning caters to the need of slow learners as well as smart learners. The documentary film employs interview method to bring home the fact that e-learning introduced in our school has made the class room an attractive place for the students. Students are able to learn contents of various subjects in tune with their learning style. The documentary film ,however, has few technical flaws in the use of special effects. There is a lack of synchronisation between the background music and the story line. However, as a debut documentary film of the budding film maker the film is worth viewing. The documentary film will be screened for the parents ,students and teachers of the school next Monday.
Book :
‘Summer Holidays’ penned by Satya Mehta of Class IX Sec A captures the experiences of Satya during summer vacation holidays from his childhood days. The book gives an account of how he used to pass time during summer vacation holidays. He has beautifully detailed his visit to hill stations like Shimla, Gangtok, Haflong, Shillong, Mt Abu, etc.− how he travelled, where he stayed, what things he observed. In one of the chapters he has given an account of various mouthwatering cuisines of the hills. Other than his visit to hill stations, the book relates about various hobby classes he took.
The book opens with lines on the value holidays hold in a student’s life−that holidays are not for passing time frivolously but utilsing the time to the optimum. The book mentions how summer holidays can be utilised to learn and develop a particular skill.
Written in the first person narrative style, the book engages the mind of a reader from the very beginning. The budding author has used simple words to express his point of views.
The book can be a very good gift to friends and is available in the school library. Price is Rs.50.
A model answer has been provided for students’ reference.
It is strongly recommended that students prepare the answer on their own
Interviews : With teachers, with ex students of your school, with a Class IX student who has recently done something very interesting.
Today is 5th September , birth day of Dr.S.Radhakrishnan, the great scholar, philosopher, teacher and the President of India. His birthday is celebrated as the Teacher’s Day to pay tribute to the teachers who help us acquire knowledge and skill. On this occasion, we bring you an interview with some experienced teachers whose contribution to teaching is very significant.
Welcome to our studio Mr.George Summers, Mrs.Sheila Sharma. On behalf of Radio Class IX
I, Priya, congratulate you on teachers Day.
Priya to Mr George Summers:
Priya: Sir, you have served our institution for more than twenty years .We would like you to share some of your experiences with us .
George Summers: I joined this school in the year 1990.At that time the school had only nursery section. I have seen the school grow into a big institution over the years. I really appreciate the efforts of the management in making this school an A grade school in the country. The management has been sensitive to our needs and has encouraged us to give our best.
Priya: What is your comment about our student community?
George Summers: The students of this school are very obedient ,enterprising and dedicated to their studies. They have excelled in extra curricular activities as well. I hope this trend and standard will be kept in tact in future also.
Priya: Do you remember any student in particular whom you have taught?
George Summers: Yes one student named Rakesh. He came to our school the year I joined. He was a dyslexic. Initially he faced extreme troubles in learning. I tried to understand his problem and helped him overcome the difficulties. He later on cleared his boards examination and is pursuing Law in a premier Law Institute.
Priya: What is your message to the students?
George Summers: They should study whole heartedly and discover their strengths and realise their weaknesses aswell. Accordingly, they should select their careers. They should respect their elders, care for their parents. They should try to become responsible citizens of the country .
Priya: Thank you sir for coming to our studio and giving us your valuable time.
Priya: I now welcome Mrs Sheila Sharma .Mrs Sheila Sharma has been teaching Music to the students of our school for ten years.
Priya: Madam,hearty congratulations on the occasion of Teachers Day. What is your opinion about the importance of learning music?
Sheila Sharma: Learning music is very valuable. By learning music one need not become a professional artist .One can rather appreciate music of different kinds better. Learning music , especially, classical music helps one develop analytical skills that can be applied to any branch of learning.
Priya: That ‘s great.
Sheila Sharma: Do you know Einstein was also an accomplished violinist? Peter Drucker, the great management guru once commented that to be a successful manager one should learn music.
Priya: what is your message to our students?
Sheila Sharma: Listen to Music, learn music, be happy and make others happy.
We were talking with Mr. George Summers and Mrs Sheila Sharma. Hope you have enjoyed the conversation. This is Priya signing off. Have a nice day.
We have invited Mr.Suresh Mardia, CMD of Dalmart, a fortune five hundred company. Interestingly, Mr Mardia studied in our school from nursery to 12th .Later on he studied Electrical Engineering from IIT Delhi and Management from Harvard B-school.
Priya: Welcome sir. You are an ex student of our school. You have spent many years in our school as a student. Going back down the memory lanes, kindly share some of your interesting moments in our school.
Suresh: I will never forget the Founders Day Program when I was in class viii. That year I participated in the play Ramayana. I played the role of Laxman in the play. Thanks to that dramatic event, I developed keen interest in the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. I find so many management ideas in the plays. I have given lectures on this topic in many Universities and fora across the globe.
Priya: That’s great. That means that dramatic event contributed a lot in your life and career.
Suresh: Definitely. Whatever I am today I owe to my alma mater. My teachers played a vital role in shaping my career.
Priya: Do you remember any teacher in particular?
Suresh: I remember Mrs Sheila Sharma. She once quoted Peter Drucker who had told that learning music is beneficial for the managers. I can now appreciate music of Pt Ravi Shankar, Philip Glass and John Coltrane. I myself study violin under Daniel Hope.
Priya: what would you like to do for your alma mater?
Suresh: I planning to establish a Trust in our school to help talented students who are from poor families ,to pursue their studies.
Priya:What is your message to the fellow students of our school?
Suresh: They should pursue studies along with extra curricular activities. They should dream high and put every efforts to realise their dreams.
Priya: Thanks, sir, for giving us your valuable time.
Interview with a Class IX student who has recently done something very interesting.
To day we have Saksham of Class IX amidst us who won gold medal in the national mathematics Olympiad held on 12th October 2011 in New Delhi.
Priya: Welcome Saksham. Hearty congratulations on getting a gold medal in the National Mathematics Olympiad .
Saksham: Thank You.
Priya: How did you feel when your name was announced as the topper in the National Mathematics Olympiad?
Saksham: It was a thrilling moment for me. I was extremely happy to know that I topped the list.
Priya: Did you anticipate such thing?
Saksham:No , I did not anticipate.
Priya: Who guided you in your preparation?
Saksham: Our mathematics teacher Mr.George summers. He gave me a book on vedic mathematics by swami Bharti Krishna Tirthaji Maharaj. The book is wonderful. There are thirteen formulae to tackle any kind of mathematical problem. The sutras or formulas help one to perform complicated arithmetical operations mentally very fast.
Priya: Can you give an example.
Saksham:Suppose one wants to find the square of 108. One need not write it down on a paper and multiply it by 108 following the rules of multiplication. It is time taking. In vedic mathematics one can perform it mentally by simply adding 8 to 108 and writing the square of 8 afterwards. So, it will be 108+8/82. = 11664.
Priya: wonderful. What are you planning to do in future?
Saksham: I plan to participate in the International mathematics Olympiad next year.
Priya: What are your hobbies?
Saksham: Playing Chess. It is very beneficial for developing strategic thinking.
Priya: What about your career plan?
Saksham: I plan to pursue a course in Computer Science and Technology, which has wide application of mathematics.
Priya: What is your message to your fellow students who want to participate in the competition?
Saksham: Planning is a must. After planning one has to implement that plan and then participate without thinking about the results.
Priya: It was nice talking to you. We are running short of time. Thank you for coming to our studio.
Speech On Important Personalities
Anna Hazare:
“Satyameva Jayate “- Truth alone triumphs. Time and again history has shown the truth of the statement that whenever unethical and corrupt practices start eating up the core of a society, somehow a crusader emerges and protects the society by fighting against the corrupt practices thereby upholding truth.
In the context of Indian society today, Anna Hazare embodies the spirit of a crusader who is determined to fight against corruption in the Indian Society through non violent methods following the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi.
Anna Hazare was born on 15th June ,1937 in Bhingar near to Ahmednagar. Having served the Indian Army during Chinese Aggression in 1962 and the war with Pakistan in 1965,Anna Hazare decided to dedicate his life to the service of the people. Accordingly, He took retirement from the Army and returned to Ralegaon Siddhi, a village where he started many social reform activities. Ralegaon Siddhi was then one of the many villages of India plagued by acute povery,deprivation,a fragile ecosystem , neglect and hopelessness.
Anna Hazare became instrumental in transforming the village making it a model village of India. He garnered the support of the local youths to fight against alcoholism. Hazare appealed to the government of Maharastra to legislate a bill which will prohibit liquor in a village if 25% of the women of the village demanded it. In 2009, the Maharastra government amended the Bombay Prohibition Act,1949 to reflect this.
Anna Hazare as a crusader against corruption was the first person to launch a mass movement to force the Government of Maharastra to enact Right to information Act. In 2005, the Union Government also enacted the Right to information Act on the model of the Maharastra Act.
Anna Hazare has once again shown to the world the efficacy of non violent methods in fighting corruption in a society. Through a series of hunger strikes he was ultimately able to make the government agree to enact a stringent anti corruption law as envisaged in the draft Janlokpal bill,for the institution of ombudsman with the power to deal with corruption in public offices.
We all should support Anna Hazare in his fight against corruption. More and more youths should join hands with him to cleanse the Indian Society of corrupt practices and make India a strong nation.
Ratan Tata :
The Tata group’s announcement of Mr Ratan Tata’s retirement in 2012 has evoked a lot of curiosity among the business analysts and the public in general regarding his successor. It is an indicator of people’s respect for the man who was the first in the world to dream and realise the concept of the smallest car that will be within the reach of the low income group. Thanks to Tata group we got Nano. Under Ratan Tata’s leadership the Tata group has made significant progress
even during depression around the world. The group under his leadership could acquire Tetley, Corus, Jaguar land Rover creating history.
Ratan Tata’s neutral attitude in the Singur land dispute and his decision to withdraw the Nano project from Singur is remarkable and shows his commitment to high standards of ethics. In keeping with the tradition of philanthrophic practices initiated by his predecessor JRD Tata, Ratan Tata has undertaken many philanthrophic projects. His contribution in higher studies and research is also significant. The Tata group has even developed a township in Jharkhand by the name of Tatanagar.
Throughout his career he has maintained the clean image of the Tata group. The group has given top priority to the customers’ needs and anticipations and demonstrated exemplary practices as an employer.
It is hoped that his successor will be able to carry forward the legacy of the Tata group .
Bored of using the same old pens?
Here is a good news for pen users. Pens made from bamboo shoots are available at Handicrafts corner, Delhi haat, INA market .Special discount for students. Hurry up stock limited.
Filled in sealed tenders are invited from authorised dealers for supply of school bags and students uniform for senior students. The tender kit can be obtained from the office of the Purchase manager from Monday to Friday on payment of Rs 500. Last date to file the tender is 15th September 2011.
This is music time :
Hello friends Radio Class IX presents a song by Shekar, lyrics is by Swati and music is by Hemant of Class IX Sec B
We bow down to you O Mother India
We sing your glory, O Mother India
From north to south, from west to east
All salute you, O Mother India
So many rivers, so many mountains
So many people speaking diverse tongues
All make you incredible India, O Mother India.
How did you bear the pain when the Mughals attacked You
How did you bear the pain when the Britons attacked you
You never taught us to attack others, you are great, o mother
Glory to thee, glory to thee, o mother, o mother.
A model answer has been provided for students’ reference.
It is strongly recommended that students prepare the answer on their own
Title: The Excursion
Playwright: Hitesh Desai
Characters :
Mr.Harrison, teacher-in-charge
Robin, student
Leena, Student
Mohit, student
Anita, Student
Mr.Paul, Ticket Examiner
Mr.Sunil, Tourist Guide
The Story line: The play is built on the theme of the importance of Excursion for the students.
The play brings in the elements of comedy making everyone laugh. The play shows how the characters after visiting an excavated tourist site of the Indus Valley experience time travel. All are transported to the past and different characters find themselves in different roles and relationship.
Acts: The play is divided in three Acts
Act 1
Scene 1
[The characters guided by Mr Harrison, teacher -in-charge board a train. All of them are busy searching for their respective seats.]
Mr Harrison: Hey guys, are you all seated? We will have dinner very soon. The Railways catering service will provide us the dinner. He guys,enjoy the journey.
Anita: When will we reach Ropar? Can anybody tell me?
Mohit: Don’t worry friend we will reach tomorrow morning. Till then enjoy.
Local Site:
Friends , Our next program is on Tughlakabad,a place of historical importance. Tughlakabad is very near to our School.
Tughlakabad was founded by Giyasuddin Tughlak of the Tughlak dynasty. It came into existence between 1321 and 1325 A D. The fort of Tughlakabad was abandoned due to scarcity of water after 15 years of its construction. As per certain legends, Tughlakabad was destroyed due to the curse of a religious leader Nijamuddin. Ghiasuddin was a liberal ruler. But he was so passionate about his dream fort that he issued a dictate that all labourers in Delhi must work on his fort. Saint Nizamuddin Auliya, a sufi mystic, got incensed as the work on his baoli (well) was stopped. The conflict between the two has become a legend in India. The saint uttered a curse which was to resonate throughout history right untill today: Ya rahey hissar, ya basey gujjar (may the fort remain unoccupied/infertile,or else the herdsmen may live here). The main attraction of Tughlakabad is the Tughlakabad fort .The artificial lake is to the south of the fort and the tomb of Giyasuddin is also located there.
The historical site consists of remarkable, massive stone fortifications that surround the irregular ground plan of the city. The sloping walls are between 10 to 15 meters high. The city is supposed to have as many as 52 gates of which only 13 remain today. The city contained seven rainwater tanks.
Tughlakabad is divided into three parts:
(1) The wider city area with houses built along a rectangular grid between its gates
(2) The citadel with a tower at its highest point known as Bijai-mandal and the remains of several halls and a long underground passage.
(3) The adjacent palace area containing the royal residences. A long underground passage below the tower still remains.
However, it is very difficult to enter the city today due to dense thorny vegetation.
Special reports
A model answer has been provided for students’ reference.
It is strongly recommended that students prepare the answer on their own
Our next program is a special report on Examination results.
The Annual examination results of class ix have been declared. Shreyashi of sec A is the topper. She scored 99% marks. Hitesh is the second topper with 98% marks and Deepa is the third topper with 95% marks.
The pass percentage is 100% .This year,s examination report shows that girls have fared well than boys. Out of 250 students 75% students are girl students who are in the A grade .Most of the girl students have scored high marks in mathematics and English.
Compared with the last year’s results students have performed better this year. Students have scored high grades in computer.
Now We bring you a special report on our School uniform.
Our School uniform has been adjudged the best symbolic uniform at the National School Uniform Show held in New Delhi
On 31st August 2011.The colour combination of the uniform is wonderful, according to the jury of the show. Our school uniform was designed by our respected art and craft teacher Ms Shalini.
The symbolic aspects of the school uniform like green belt for environmental awareness and sustainable growth, white strips for peace and non-violence ,a tree like image embroidered in the shirt symbolising tree of knowledge are remarkable. The jury of the event gave special thanks to Ms Shalini who designed the school uniform.
Here is a special report on safety at school
The committee on Safety at school set up by the Department of Education ,Ministry of HRD has come up with its report on safety measures to be taken by the management of all schools across the country. The report stipulates that within six months all the schools of the Country should install fire fighting devices on the school premises. All the school authorities have been asked to get the electric wiring and circuit of the schools repaired and duly maintained. The report suggests that first aid medical kit should be kept in the schools and clinics with latest medical facilities should be set up .Those schools that have swimming pools should take steps to ensure that the tanks should be cleaned properly and regularly to avoid any kind of untoward incident. The report states that safety measures should be taken in the school auditoriums .The report recommends construction of emergency exit pathways during earthquakes. The committee has given due importance to the safety measures to be undertaken for handicapped students. The committee report has a chapter on special measures to be taken while providing mid day meals in the government run schools.
The management of our school has taken the recommendations of the report seriously and has started reviewing the safety measures in our school.